BATIAS was set up in 1992 to support people with learning disabilities through the closure of a long-stay hospital in South Ockendon and the client’s transition into smaller homes in the local community. BATIAS has since grown and offers different types of advocacy support. The Charity works with some of society’s most vulnerable people, enabling them to become active citizens, promoting positive social inclusion in the local community and developing the client’s social networks and life opportunities


Vision, Mission and Values

An inclusive and safe society where the voices of vulnerable people, particularly those with a learning disability or mental health problems, are listened to, their views valued and they are able to reach their full potential.
To provide advocacy services that empower our clients to secure their rights, obtain services they need and make positive and informed choices about their lives.
We are PERSON-CENTRED: Our clients are at the centre of everything we do and we are committed to giving them a voice. They are treated as a whole person and encouraged and supported to express their individual needs in ways that are relevant to them.
We are PASSIONATE: We believe in the potential of our clients to lead the lives they choose and their right to achieve this. We offer solutions and support them to problem solve if needed.
We are FEARLESS: We want our clients to live the best lives they can and will challenge things we see as unfair, wrong or may prevent that happening. We will assert the rights of our clients to make their own choices even when others may not agree with their choices.
We are TRUSTED: We are independent, professional, experienced and reliable. We strive for excellence in everything we do, however small. We to be open and honest in everything we do.
We are FLEXIBLE: We are adaptable and open to change. We do our best to be accommodating in the way we provide our services.
We are POSITIVE: When times are challenging we strive to remain enthusiastic, good-humoured, effective and efficient as we are committed to achieving our Mission and working towards our Vision.
The BATIAS Vision, Mission and Values were co-produced in partnership with Clients, Trustees, Staff and Volunteers


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